Archives for June 2013

How can Zombies make you more creative? #OnlyPossibilities

Writing, blogging, vlogging, social media is about building community, giving, attracting like-minded people, creating something memorable, building lists and sometimes it’s about making money. I like the idea of passing on knowledge and giving people something to think about.  I decided to explore the idea of “if there are no fixed answers to the problem, […]

Are You Experiencing Creative Growth?

I may not paint as artistically as some of the artists I know, but that doesn’t stop me from painting, which means I continue to grow creatively every time I paint. I’ve never been threatened by the brilliance of others because I adore the creative arts. I respect and admire individual creativity, including my own. […]

Do Writers Need to Manage Change? Part One.

The experts say CHANGE is one of the most important elements of being successful in life, both on a personal and professional level. Change is also known to be a critical element in business management today. As writers we are very aware of the increasingly competitive market we work in every day. We know that […]