Archives for December 2015

Life is a journey, not a destination. #AMeaningfulLife

Life is a journey, not a destination. Our flow must contract before it can expand. And the contraction is equally important to the expansion. (I have to give credit to Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius for that.) The past is not worth reliving over and over.  While we all have great joys […]

Emerging playwright? What I have learned. #Feedback

This year I decided to write my first one-act play. I had no prior experience in writing a play for the stage. To be honest, I had to Google what a “one-act” play was all about. I had written several feature films and had my first short film script accepted into a international film festival, […]

The Lonely Craft of #Writing

When writers come together it’s a real celebration. Our greetings start with a gentle hug and a certain respect and allegiance overcomes us. We are finally with our writing family. Gradually an excited chatter begins to fill the space as social jabber and writing experiences are exchanged between us.  The loneliness of our secluded office […]