A Personal Journey


A journey of any kind begins with effort. A writing journey is no different. People all over the world decide to take a writing journey for many different reasons. For some it’s about therapy. While others feel compelled to pass on knowledge and wisdom. Then there are writers who need to purge those mental images and distant voices that drive them almost crazy, repeating over and over until those sights and sounds are born to ink and paper. 

A writing journey is a personal journey unless it’s a collaborative venture. A writer will draw on many things throughout the creative process. Some of it will require preexisting knowledge and other parts will push a writer to learn new things. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Challenging yourself as a writer is an important thing to do. Come to think of it challenging yourself in any field is  important. Rising to a challenge is the spark that ignites personal growth.

There are no effortless or magical ways to develop a story worthy of publication. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a short story, a novella, or a novel. To write under any conditions requires time, dedication and persistence. Work hard, stay determined, be persistent and you will make it. That’s the only work ethic I know. Let’s face it, writing is hard work for some and a joy for others. You also have to like working alone for long periods of time. But you also need balance. I nourish my love for people by volunteering with the homeless and disadvantaged … so there’s my balance. What about you?

 Until my next post, be brave and bold in your chosen field of creativity.  And never be afraid to explore new techniques.


  1. A joy to read Vacen. Thank you for sharing the beginning of what is sure to be a wonderful voyage for you. Dimity