What I have learned about writing #improvement #growth

My first book was published in 2013. That seems a long time ago now but for writing that’s not very long at all. If you add the time before that publication, there were a few blooper manuscripts. If you were to ask me how long I have been writing, I would have to say about […]

Poetry that speaks #poems #poetry

Every individual who writes poetry has their reason for writing and the motivation behind each poem. For some writers, it’s simply a pleasure to craft words into perfect positions. For other writers, there might be ethical or social issues for crafting a poem. Writers might also like the creative aspects of poetry. It might be […]

Understanding Abstract Poetry. #Writing #Rhythms

So you want to write an abstract poem? Well, I was lucky enough to have a poem selected and published in an art and literature journal this month. The theme was abstract.  The art and literature journal was ArtAscent. Let’s begin with understanding abstraction. Anything abstract often exists in thought or having no particular concrete […]

The Words Pour Out Across Space and Time #Poetry #Poems

The harrowing task of writing a poem used to be just that, harrowing. Mostly because I didn’t want to take risks. I was always trying to understand the work of great poets. Usually, that’s what we do as writers, we examine other work to understand how to write well. With that academic knowledge comes great […]

Why Not Try #Poetry… If You Dare

I have attempted to write poetry for years and years. And I do mean attempted. I’ve failed at many of those attempts. To be truthful I’ve never felt like I really succeeded at writing a great poem. Yet I continue to try. Some have been good, some readable and some deleted in frustration after hours […]